Jasminum Sambac "Little Duke". Similar to Grand Duke of Tuscany however blooms much more profusly and are smaller.Flower petals open completely. Blooms are smaller then Grand Duke, Flowers are fragrant and depending on conditions, can bloom all year. Needs partial sun. Fertilze monthly except during winter months. Keep soil on dry side during Winter


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Prices for Potted Plants

Indian Name Botanical Name 2.5" 4" 5" 6" 10"

Butt Mograw

Jasmine Sambac "Lille Duke"

  30.00 . 65.00. .

Bhatia Nurseries Home

Please check the price list page for shipping information.

Bhatia Nurseries
Division of
63 Salem Road
Township of Washington, NJ 07676
Email: naribhatia@bhatia-nurseries.com

Please note that there is no retail outlet at this location and the Nursery is not open to public