Tabernaemontana (Chandini) Fragrant flowers are available in single (Corymbosa) or double (Coronaria Plena). Grows as a small shrub with its attractive glossy green leaves. Flowers freely throughout the year. Needs full sun, moist soil and fertilizer. Also known as Nandi Battalu, flowers are used in making Kajal.

©2007 Photos copyright Nari Bhatia

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Prices for Potted Plants

Indian Name Botanical Name 2.5" 4" 5" 6" 10"

Nandiya Vattai Double

Tabernaemontana Coronaria Plena

15.00 20.00 . 35.00 65.00+

Please check the price list page for shipping information.

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Township of Washington, NJ 07676
Tel. 201.967.7040
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